P.S. 56Q is an elementary school located in Richmond Hill, Queens, serving a diverse student population in grades 2 to 5.
Vision - Mission:
PS 56Q students are independent, critical thinkers and problem solvers who are passionate, proactive, responsible, and empathetic lifelong learners of a global digital society.
At PS 56Q we know every student, staff and family well, and develop the whole child; socially, emotionally and academically through supportive practices.
Our school community works to ensure a welcoming, affirming and safe learning environment that supports every child, staff member and family as unique learners.
We advance equity for ALL students, leveraging their unique assets, backgrounds and experiences to facilitate and accelerate learning.
* Unpack and do a deep dive into the Next Generation Learning Standards, NYC Literacy Shifts and NYC Math Shifts * Design core lessons in alignment with the shifts and standards * Establish lesson specific success criteria aligned with the standards & collect on the spot data during daily lessons * Analyze daily, formative and summative student data across individual, grade bands and school wide to determine areas of need. * Implement school wide instructional strategies to address areas of need. * Monitor impact of implementation & make informed instructional decisions Then…ALL students will achieve success.
At PS 56Q we develop the whole child, advance equity for all and ensure our students are passionate, proactive, responsible and empathetic through fostering GRIT:
Our Annual Winter Wonderland - Family Event is HERE!
Once again, in partnership with the Child Center of New York Compass Program @ PS 56, we proudly celebrate our Second Winter Wonderland Family Event on Saturday, February 8, 2025, starting at 12:00 pm.
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